FINDE HEIMAT IN DIR ist ein sechswöchiges Online-Gruppen-Coaching-Programm, das ich speziell für globale Nomaden, Expats und Multikultis jeglicher Art entwickelt habe. Für Menschen, die sich zwischen mehreren Kulturen bewegen und sich nach mehr innerem Frieden sehnen, anstatt sich zerrissen zu fühlen.
Browsing CategoryCultural intelligence
Our cultural roles
„Who are you? And if so, how many?“ This is the title of a well-known German philosophy book on identity by Richard David Precht and it fits perfectly for this article! As mentioned in my…
How to communicate and collaborate effectively in foreign cultures?
The knowledge about culture and cultural dimensions is certainly an important starting point, but it is not sufficient. To be truly effective in foreign cultures, you need to develop the skills to transfer your knowledge…
Cultural Dimensions Part II
In addition to my earlier article „Six essential cultural dimensions that will change how you view the world“, I would like to write about four other important dimensions that are worth considering when crossing cultures….
5 Essential Steps To Develop Your Cultural Intelligence
Cultural intelligence (CQ) ranks among the top “10 vital skills that you need for the future of work”, according to Forbes Magazine. “The path to a shared future is build on diversity and inclusion” writes…