General Terms and Conditions

  1. Scope of application

I, Wiebke Homborg, provide intercultural training, coaching, consulting, workshops, seminars and online courses in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions (GTC). These terms and conditions are deemed to have been accepted when the order is placed. Any deviations from these GTC must be agreed in writing. The contracts concluded by me are service contracts, unless expressly agreed otherwise. The object of the contract is therefore the provision of the agreed services, not the achievement of a specific result.
In particular, I do not owe a specific economic result. My opinions and recommendations prepare the client’s business decision. Under no circumstances can they replace them.
I am entitled to use assistants, expert third parties and other vicarious agents for the performance of a consultancy contract. I neither promise nor provide consultancy services in legal and tax matters on the basis of the applicable provisions. These services are to be provided by the client himself/herself.
I provide my services on the basis of the data and information provided to me by the client or their representatives. These are checked by me for plausibility. The guarantee for their factual accuracy and completeness lies with the client.
The contents of this website make no promises of healing. I do not make diagnoses in the medical sense. My services are supportive and accompanying measures. However, they are never a substitute for treatment by a therapist. My work is subject to absolute confidentiality. Each client assumes full personal responsibility for his or her actions within and outside the training, coaching, consulting, workshops, seminars and online courses.

  1. Duty of confidentiality

I am obliged to treat personal information and information about the client’s business and trade secrets confidentially, not to pass them on to third parties and, if requested, to have my employees, freelancers or subcontractors sign a corresponding declaration of commitment.

  1. Offers, coaching fees, training fees

The offers are subject to change. Subject to change without notice. All fees are in euros. For coaching services and seminar offers, the fees specified in the respective agreement or seminar registration will be charged. If personal training or coaching takes place outside of 30938 Burgwedel, Germany, travel and accommodation costs will be charged in addition within reasonable limits. As long as there is no confirmation of costs from another source, the client is deemed to be the debtor of the fee.
Unless otherwise agreed, my fee for coaching/training, the seminar fees for booked seminars and fees for online courses are due immediately after invoicing (within 14 days) and without deduction. If no payment is received within this period, default interest shall be due at the statutory rate. Retention of the fee and offsetting are only permitted if the client’s claims are recognized by me or have been legally established.

  1. Cancellations and postponements of appointments

4.1 Cancellations and postponements of coaching appointments

Agreed coaching appointments can be postponed free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment, after which the fee is due in full. For cancellations up to 7 days before the agreed date, 50% of the fee is due, thereafter the full fee is due. By making an appointment, you accept this regulation.
4.2 Cancellation of appointments for seminars/workshops

Cancellation by the client
up to four weeks before the start of the seminar: no cancellation fee
up to two weeks before the start of the seminar: 25% of the seminar price
up to one week before the start of the seminar: 50% of the seminar price
up to the day before the start of the seminar: 100% of the seminar price

Cancellation fees do not apply if a substitute participant is named for the booked seminar and this person takes part in the seminar.
4.3 Cancellation of online courses

From 2 weeks before the start of the course: 50% of the course fee
From 1 week before the start of the course: 100% of the course fee

  1. Force majeure and other impediments to performance

In cases of force majeure, illness, accident or similar events, I reserve the right to postpone agreed dates and seminars. In this case, the contracting parties shall agree on an alternative date. There is no entitlement to compensation for travel and accommodation costs or loss of working hours. I am not liable for indirect damages, in particular loss of profit or third-party claims. If a group training or coaching session is canceled for reasons for which the coach is responsible (e.g. illness) and a client does not wish to accept an alternative date, 100% of the participation fees paid will be refunded. Further claims are excluded. The scope of the contractual service obligation is set out in the service description in the contract or the order confirmation.

  1. Copyright

Unless otherwise agreed, the content published on this website and all documents handed over to the client are included in the agreed remuneration. Wiebke Homborg alone holds the copyright to the documents.

The client is not permitted to reproduce the documents in whole or in part and/or make them accessible to third parties without the written consent of Wiebke Homborg.

  1. Insurance cover

Each client bears full responsibility for him/herself and his/her actions inside and outside the counseling sessions and is liable for any damage caused.

  1. Liability

Wiebke Homborg’s work is purely a service activity. Success is therefore not owed. Liability is excluded. The dispatch or electronic transmission of any data is at the risk of the client. My liability for the proper provision of services in accordance with § 1 of the consultancy agreement is limited to the partnership and the respective service provider.

  1. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction and applicable law

All disputes arising from this legal relationship are subject to German law. If the contracting parties are merchants, the court where Wiebke Homborg has its registered office shall have jurisdiction, unless an exclusive place of jurisdiction has been established for the dispute.

  1. Partial invalidity

Should parts of these provisions be or become invalid or ineffective in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue to apply. The parties undertake to replace the invalid provisions with economically equivalent ones.