My corporate services

The future of work: Sustainable culture change

For an organizational cultural change to be successful and sustainable, it needs to be implemented from the inside out. I offer a series of workshops that create a common ground, teach new tools and methods, and strengthen required competencies: Assessing the situation (Where do we stand? Where do we want to go?), values and vision workshop, situational leadership, team goals and identity, self-determined working, role clarity, communication, hybrid working, feedback, error culture, reflection cycles.

Executive coaching

Good leadership starts with oneself. And leadership can be learned. I support you in developing your personal competencies. Transparent communication, situational leadership and emotional intelligence as well as intercultural competence are gaining importance in today’s world. Likewise, good self-awareness is a fundamental prerequisite for successful leadership. We look at your motives, values and needs and develop your own personal WHY so that you can take on your leadership role with drive and authenticity.

Leading multicultural, virtual and hybrid teams

You and your team will learn about the different cultural imprints and preferred working styles of each team member. Communication hurdles such as language, hybrid working, time difference as well as procedures, prejudices and misunderstandings are clarified to strengthen mutual trust and pave the way for co-creating a formula for effective collaboration. The goal is to create a safe space for your team’s potential to fully unfold.

International assignment preparation

Country-specific training for professionals who are being sent abroad by their company for a longer period of time as well as for their accompanying partners. You will receive a valuable orientation for typical business situations and everyday life in your target country. Together, we will develop coping strategies to enable you to confidently deal with difficult situations at any time. Country expertise: Germany, Belgium and Mexico.


A workshop addressing the transitional challenges of repatriation. We reflect on expatriation, and helpful tools for a successful reintegration are provided.

In addition, I offer a three-month group coaching for repatriates. You can find all information here.


Tailor-made intercultural training supports the induction process and the integration of specialists from abroad. Not only do the new employees get support, but also do the long-established managers and colleagues. The goal is to foster an understanding of the respective cultural characteristics on both sides and to enable appreciative and effective cooperation.

The future of work through the intercultural lens

Our globalized world has become volatile, uncertain and complex and is changing at a higher pace than ever before. Accelerated by the profound impact of the Corona pandemic, many companies are undergoing a significant cultural change. If you want to survive in the marketplace, you have to be able to adapt.

There is also another layer of complexity that comes with global collaboration: Executives and global teams work in multicultural constellations, across different time zones, and often need to compensate travel restrictions. New forms of collaboration are emerging: hybrid working, virtual assignments, gig economy, self-initiated expats, digital nomads. New technologies have made it possible to work from anywhere.

The way we work is changing rapidly and cultural adaptability has become one of the most important competencies on both individual and organizational levels.

In my work, I combine methods from the intercultural field with the new future skills and methods in order to optimally support international organizations, executives and teams with their cultural change.

Here you can learn more about my qualifications, my training approach, and my understanding of coaching.
Wiebke Homborg Sofa

Country expertise
