Wiebke Homborg
About me:
What drives me:

My approach:

Nach einem ausführlichen Vorgespräch wird das Training auf den individuellen Bedarf des Unternehmens und der Teilnehmer zugeschnitten. Die Inhalte sind fachlich fundiert, mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen aus der Praxis angereichert und werden mit Hilfe abwechslungsreicher, interaktiver Methoden vermittelt, sowohl in Präsenz als im virtuellen Raum.
- Theoretischer Input / Kurzvorträge
- Fallstudien
- Übungen
- Gruppenarbeit
- Simulationen
- Videos
- Erfahrungsaustausch & Diskussion
- Nutzung digitaler Tools
My approach to coaching
An important part of being a coach is defining your work ethic and approach to coaching. When I am in the coach role, I take off my “trainer hat”, because now the focus is not on knowledge transfer and the improvement of certain skills. In the center of coaching is the client with his/her unique personality, potential and resources.
I see myself as a sparring partner who offers a safe space for the personal development of my clients. We explore possible problem areas and their causes. Without prescribing solutions, I actively shape the coaching process through question techniques and interventions derived from systemic coaching. I am transparent at all times and explain all steps we take together. I listen actively and empathetically, mirror feelings, summarize, structure and visualize. The client is accompanied in the process of self-reflection and thereby gains the desired clarity and self-awareness.
We will not get stuck in discussing problems for long. Instead, we look ahead and explore possible solutions, the available resources, and the next concrete steps. This “help for self-help” opens up new perspectives that enable the client to expand his or her scope of action effectively and successfully.
With the special sensitivity of a “cultural chameleon”, I have an eye on which cultural factors need to be considered. If needed, training components such as knowledge transfer about culture-related behavioral patterns are integrated into the coaching process to a small extent. Furthermore, I keep in mind that the expectations of the coachee towards coaching can vary greatly depending on their cultural imprint and adapt my approach accordingly.
Before we start, I offer a free discovery session in which both sides can get to know each other and find out whether I am the right coach for the clients coaching issue. We explore our “chemistry” and decide whether we can imagine working together. The coaching process itself consists of several individual sessions of 60 – 120 minutes each and is a result and solution-oriented process. We formulate a concrete, realistic and measurable goal that the client wants to achieve at the end of the coaching. The process ends when the goal is reached or the client wants to end the coaching. This can be after three, six or x sessions, this is completely up to the client.

- Culture Shock – When moving abroad: how to prepare and what to expect
- Das sind wir… Das Institut für mobilen Lebensstil
- An Empowering Conversation with Ruth van Reken
- Live Talk mit Autorin Mona Gabriel über ihr neues Buch “Zuhause, aber trotzdem fremd”
- Rückkehr aus dem Ausland inmitten der Corona-Pandemie
- Reframing Culture Shock
Podcast Espisodes:
- What’s the difference between an expat coach and an intercultural trainer? Discover it with Chameleon Coaching!
- German work culture
- Why we have culture shocks: Interview with Wiebke Homborg