culture change
and transitions

Mastering culture change and transitions


At Chameleon it’s all about culture, transition and the art of adaptation. I help individuals and teams deal with complex transitions in a healthy way, fostering a growth mindset with great benefits for their personal development. Together, we look at values, needs and competencies and strengthen them. This increases motivation, effectiveness, happiness and success – be it during an international assignment, hybrid collaboration with international colleagues and business partners or a new work culture.
“The only constant in life is change” Heraclitus already knew in 500 BC. However, change today is much more complex, faster and globally perceptible. This has a strong impact on our societies: we are insecure, overwhelmed, tired of change and sometimes we struggle with our identity as a whole.
  • How can we make peace with change and start to see it as an opportunity rather than a threat?
  • How can we adapt to new circumstances or cultures without losing ourselves in the process?
  • How can we not only survive in this time, but become more resilient, more self-confident and help shape the future in a meaningful and active way?
  • Which competencies do I want to develop in order to accomplish this?
As a certified intercultural trainer, intercultural coach and new work coach, I have evidence-based tools to accompany my clients professionally and solution-oriented according to their individual situation. My approach is grounded in my work experience in Germany and abroad in different international companies and multicultural teams. Over the past six years, I have successfully empowered numerous clients though their transition. Ich arbeite mit
  • Adult Third Culture Kids, global nomads, expatriates und repatriates
  • Multicultural, virtual and hybrid teams
  • Leaders who want to promote culture change in their organization
  • Organisations who are shifting to a new work culture

Do you want to successfully master your change?

Then take a look at my offer and get in touch. During a free discovery call we can discuss the possibilities of a cooperation. I look forward to it!

Wiebke Homborg

Kameleon als Symbol für Veränderung und Anpassungsfähigkeit.

„It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.“

Leon C. Megginson



  • Implementing culture change: New work needs inner work
  • Executive coaching
  • Team building for multicultural, virtual and hybrid teams
  • Assignment preparation
  • Repatriation workshops
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  • Expat Coaching
  • Workshops, individual and group coaching for repatriates
  • Life Coaching for global nomads: Finding Home Within
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  • Cultural Awareness for Trainers and Coaches
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“Instrumentenmix in der Betreuung von Expatriates – Unterschiedliche Beratungsformen im Vergleich” erschienen in Coaching im Rahmen der Auslandsentsendung. Eds: J. Eidems/S. Höntzsch. 2021 Springer-Gabler.


 BASF | Continental | Covestro | Boehringer Ingelheim | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft | WMF | Faurecia | BP | BOS | Röchling | Fielmann | Black Sheep | The Kaleidoscope Group

CONTUR | crossculture academy | ICUnet | Learnship | ripple.ed | International School Region Hannover


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of corporate experience
years abroad