FINDING HOME WITHIN is a six-week online group coaching program that I developed specifically for multiculturals, expats and globalnomads. For people who move between several cultures and long for more inner peace instead of feeling torn.
Browsing CategoryExpat Coaching
Training, Coaching und Mentoring von Expatriates im Rahmen einer Auslandsentsendung
Coaching im Rahmen der Auslandsentsendung In ihrem Herausgeberband “Coaching im Rahmen der Auslandsentsendung” (erschienen 2021 im Springer-Gabler Verlag) haben Prof. Dr. Judith Eidems und Susan Hoentzsch eine große Vielfalt an Beiträgen zusammengetragen. Das Buch ist…
Rocking a Rocky Reentry – Repatriating During a Pandemic
Interview with Rebecca Lüppen Rebecca Lüppen is the founder of SheExpat ( and provides expat career and life coaching for female professionals and executives. She helps female expats actively manage the changes that a mobile…
Reentry – Pandemic Edition
Arriving in Limbo The Corona pandemic has turned all our lives upside down and confronted us with unexpected challenges. It also hit many expats hard in 2020/21. It affects those who had just started their…
The 4 Stages of Reentry
Emotional Rollercoaster In the 1960s, Gullahorn & Gullahorn’s empirical research established what many repatriates intuitively felt: Repatriates from a stay abroad suffer similar stress symptoms during the readjustment to their home country as they did…
Our cultural roles
“Who are you? And if so, how many?” This is the title of a well-known German philosophy book on identity by Richard David Precht and it fits perfectly for this article! As mentioned in my…
How to communicate and collaborate effectively in foreign cultures?
The knowledge about culture and cultural dimensions is certainly an important starting point, but it is not sufficient. To be truly effective in foreign cultures, you need to develop the skills to transfer your knowledge…
Why we experience culture shock
Expatriation can be one of the most exciting periods of your life, but also one the most challenging. Have you heard of the expat curve or the stages of acculturation? Did you experience culture shock…
Sailing the Seas of Expat Life
Our choices “What makes a good sailboat captain?”, I asked my husband while we were sailing last week. “Good assessment of the circumstances and making the right choices.” How strong is the wind? How high…
Staying strong during a crisis: The 7 Keys to Resilience
My first post about resilience on LinkedIn attracted over 1500 readers from all over the world. It seems that many of us are in need of good strategies to ride out the current global crisis….