How can I find my home within?

Wouldn't it be great if you could always take your home with you, wherever you are in the world?

This is why I would like to introduce you to my new signature coaching program FINDING HOME WITHIN.

FINDING HOME WITHIN is a six-week online group coaching program that I developed specifically for multiculturals, expats and globalnomads. For people who move between several cultures and long for more inner peace instead of feeling torn. In this safe space, we will explore what you need to find purpose and a sense of belonging. We will talk about cultural conditioning, identity, inner child, transition, uncertainty and help you find your why.

I have been on my own inner-peace-seeking-journey for many years, while living abroad and even more so after repatriation. I came to realize that identity crises, culture shock and reverse culture shock are real, but that in hindsight, the outside world was not so much responsible for how I felt, it has mostly been my inside world, my thoughts, beliefs, old patterns, expectations and misconceptions.

And that is what my new program is all about. To help you create your inner home that you always carry within, no matter where you live. My coaching group is a safe place where you feel supported and I help you tackle some of those tricky topics around:

  • identity & belonging
  • purpose – your WHY
  • culture
  • transition & uncertainty
  • emotional strength
  • your inner child

I am putting all my intercultural expertise, coaching skills and my CHAMELEON life experience into this program to create an enriching, uplifting and transformative coaching journey for you.

In February 2022, I launched the new program for the first time and was able to start immediately with my first group of five wonderful women from five different countries with fascinating intercultural experiences. Witnessing their deep reflections, mutual support and the transformation from feeling lost to have an inner home was the most honoring experience in my career so far. The feedback was amazing and you can read the testimonials here.

If you are interested in this program, take a look at FINDING HOME WITHIN and let it inspire you!

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